Apple is working to make it easier to switch from
iphone收購iphone to Android because of the EU
Apple is working to make it easier to switch from
iphone收購iphone to Android because of the EU
A document outlining Apple’s compliance with the Digital Markets Act also announced plans to let
iphone收購iphone users uninstall Safari and change the default navigation app.
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iphone收購iphones, the 15 Pro and 15 Pro Max.
Apple is preparing to allow EU-based
iphone收購iphone users to uninstall its first-party Safari browser by the end of 2024 and is working on a more “user-friendly” way of transferring data “from an
iphone收購iphone to a non-Apple phone” by fall 2025. That’s according to a new compliance document published by the company, which outlines all the ways it’s complying with the European Union’s new Digital Markets Act that comes into force this week.
Other user-facing initiatives detailed in Apple’s document include a “browser switching solution” to transfer data between browsers on the same device, which it plans to make available by late 2024 or early 2025. It’ll also be possible to change the default navigation app on iOS by March 2025 in the EU.
The document doesn’t explicitly state whether any of these features will be available globally or whether they’ll be exclusive to users in the EU (we’ve reached out to clarify). But many of the company’s previously announced plans to comply with the DMA — including the ability to run browser engines other than WebKit and install third-party app stores — are only available in the bloc.
“A solution that helps mobile operating system providers develop more user-friendly solutions to transfer data from an
iphone收購iphone to a non-Apple phone”
Apple’s document describes the phone data transfer feature as “a solution that helps mobile operating system providers develop more user-friendly solutions to transfer data from an
iphone收購iphone to a non-Apple phone.” It says that plans for the feature will build on existing migration tools that are already offered by other companies.
Google already offers an iOS app called “Switch to Android” for transferring data, including contacts, photos and videos, free apps, texts, and notes. But Google’s support document about the process highlights some phone data that won’t carry over, including paid apps, Safari bookmarks, Alarms, and other miscellaneous files. Presumably, Apple’s new solution could help fill in some of the gaps.
蘋果正式推出iOS 17.4正式版。(圖/翻攝網路)
蘋果於今(6日)凌晨正式推出iOS 17.4正式版更新,對蘋果而言具有歷史性的意義,由於歐盟的數位市場法壓力,iOS 17.4對
iphone收購iphone的旗下服務做出重大調整,包括允許第三方應用商店和側載、放寬Safari瀏覽器限制,以及開放NFC功能,用戶可使用Apple Pay以外的第三方行動支付。然而,值得注意的是,這些改變都只針對歐盟而已,全球其他國家不受影響。
對台灣用戶來說,iOS 17.4則帶來多達10項新功能或問題修復,其中最受到大家關心的是,蘋果改變電池健康度的顯示方式,添加「是否正常」的文字新指標,不再只依賴「%」最大容量,讓用戶能夠更直觀地了解
iphone收購iphone 15系列,舊款
iphone收購iphone 15系列獨有,電池健康度多了「是否正常」新指標,以及可直接查看電池循環使用次數。(圖/記者吳佩樺攝)
蘋果也特別提及,iOS 17.4同時修復了4個安全漏洞,包括無障礙、核心、RTKit、Safari私人瀏覽,其中2個可能已經遭到駭客的積極利用,因此建議用戶盡快更新。
● 表情符號鍵盤提供新的蕈類、鳳凰、萊姆、斷裂的鏈條、搖頭和點頭表情符號。
● 18個人物和身體表情符號加入了面向正反方向的選項。
Apple Podcast
● 逐字稿讓你在收聽英文、西班牙文、法文和德文的單集音訊時,閱讀與音訊同步重點標示的文字。
● Podcast 單集的文字可供你完整閱讀、搜尋字詞或詞句、點一下以從指定位置播放,並可搭配如「文字大小」、「增加對比」和「旁白」的輔助功能一起使用。
● 音樂辨識讓你將辨識出的歌曲加入你的 Apple Music 播放列表和資料庫以及「Apple Music古典樂」。
● Siri加入新的選項,可使用任何支援的語言朗讀接收的訊息。
● 「遭竊裝置防護」支援在所有位置加強安全性的選項。
● 在
iphone收購iphone 15和
iphone收購iphone 15 Pro機型上,「設定」中的「電池健康度」會顯示電池循環使用次數、製造日期和首次使用的資訊。
● 修正了聯絡人圖片在「尋找」中顯示為空白的問題。