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蘋果舊換新價格出爐 五款機型「不減反升」
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Huawei releases its Pura 70 series, available for ~$760 to ~$1,380; reviewers show high-end models have a Kirin 9010 chip, an update to the Mate 60 Pro’s 9000s
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Apple iPhone 13 (128G)-午夜色(MLPF3TA/A)
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All the features I’m still getting used to on the iPhone X
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中華電信母親節優惠出爐 iPhone 15最高折3000元
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蘋果iOS 18傳將大改版 相機介面改半透明設計
iphone收購 ▲iOS 18相機改版。(圖/取自MacRumors) 記者廖婕妤/台北報導 蘋果
The iPhone X’s new neural engine exemplifies Apple’s approach to AI
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(訂閱方案)Apple iPhone 15 Pro (128G)
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