iphone收購 Apple/ Reviews/ Tech Mossberg: Choosing t
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iPhone 16 Pro爆6大升級! 4年首見亮度增強20%
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iOS 17.5更新電量實測出爐 兩款機型續航下跌
iphone收購 ▲iOS 17.5續航實測出爐。(圖/iAppleBytes) 記者陳俐穎/綜合報
蘋果傳設計大突破 2025推出更薄iPhone
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蘋果預告四大新功能 「動眼」就能操縱iPad、iPhone
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全球最熱銷手機 Top 10 榜單出爐!便宜不再是消費者唯一考量?
iphone收購 (圖/路透社) 研調機構 Counterpoint Research 稍
只有 128GB 真的不夠用!過半 iPhone 15 買家都掏錢升級
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What the iPhone X borrowed from the Palm Pre
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Apple reports Q2 revenue down 8.1% YoY to $16.4B in Greater China, down 12.7% YoY to $6.3B in Japan, and down 17.2% YoY to $6.7B in the rest of Asia-Pacific
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